Selasa, 27 September 2011

First Step is never easy

If you asking me let's say 6 years ago, have I find my peace of my Ex? I'm gonna say big NO. It's not easy, bloody ugly and seems impossible to do at that time. But if you change the question with : have u survived from the Ex? I will deft say YES, I am surviving at that time but I have pretty good feeling for being survived.

Losing something or someone that you truly adore and love, is not as easy as losing your money or your precious bag, which you can find another one in countable time, for facing the hard reality, you need to bleed, cry, losing your appetite or worst going crazy, but let me tell you something, embrace it, walk through it and you know what, every hard path that you take, it leads somewhere and for saying "I'm not gonna make it" is a Major Bull..

Now, I found the ghost from the pass and it's like a wake up call, like the new me flying to my past and laughing like a maniac for my old me being silly, stupid and all the nasty thing you can call it. But do I proud? Yes I am, I am proud to get a chance to fail, to stumbling down. For me having the chance to learn and  how to be strong is a feeling that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

For those who just taking your first step, I want to say one thing, don't look back! Keep moving forward! "For how long?" It can takes 5 years or even One day, that depend how you find a peace inside of you. Just let go all the blames, hatred and expectation.

It's time for you to survived!


2 komentar:

  1. exactly, first step is never easy, but it is the starting point of our journey :)

  2. :D That's true. It will leads somewhere. Don't let the emotion taking control of your head.
